People Over Profit

At Ever, we aren’t just interested in making great products, we want to create a great company. We want people to enjoy their work and their work environment. That starts with hiring the right people (no a**holes), and then creating a culture where people are respected and valued. We’re anti-corporate.

One of our core philosophies is, and will always be, people over our profit. We never want to create an environment where you dread coming into work on Monday. We look forward to Monday. We value our work, we make great products, we like our people, we believe we’re making a positive impact in the world…

We believe our success is driven by the passion, creativity, and dedication of our team. That’s why we prioritize the well-being and growth of our employees, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. That’s why we decided to implement a 4-day work week. Yes, you read that right. We don’t ever work on Fridays. We’re selling beverages, not saving the world. Nothing we’re doing is that important that it can’t wait until Monday. Life shouldn’t just be about work. We’d much rather you enjoy your 3-day weekend, get outside and enjoy nature, enjoy the extra time with your family and friends… and then come in Monday morning feeling charged and ready to go.

If you can get behind that, then welcome to the Ever family.

Our Values


We believe in being understanding and kind to others, animals, and the planet. This starts from within – so be kind to yourself.


We believe a healthy mind starts with a healthy body. Get outside, be active, and choose ingredients that are good for you.


We believe in minimizing our environmental impact, contributing to a healthier planet, and ensuring the well-being of future generations.


We believe in not dwelling on past failures. We all make mistakes, but it's how we bounce back, learn, and adapt that's important. We can’t change the past, that's why we have to keep moving forward.


We believe in continuously learning, growing, evolving, and nurturing our curiosities. Get out and explore the world, make a positive impact, and embrace change.

No A**hole Policy

We believe one of the best ways to grow a business is not actually through sales and marketing. Rather, it’s through culture. Much like in real estate, the three golden rules are: location, location, location. In business, we believe the three golden rules should be: culture, culture, culture.

Toxic work cultures are poisonous to businesses. Ego, intimidation, and disrespect, especially from the CEO or leadership team, have no place in business. Everyone should be treated with kindness, dignity, and respect.

If you watch Buying Beverly hills on Netflix, the Umansky Group as a “no a**hole policy”, which we think is great. This is not just for leaders, top down, but for colleagues as well.

It’s important to have a team, environment, and culture where people feel safe and have the confidence to pitch new ideas and challenge the founder’s, and other leaders, ideas without fear of repercussion.

💡New Ideas Are Always Welcome

Ideas (regardless of who they come from) need to be: brought to light, discussed, debated, refined, tested, and prioritized. Having a culture or system in place that encourages people to bring new ideas to work will ultimately be of great benefit to any organization. There’s a cumulative, or compounding, effect of good decisions and good ideas consistently being brought to the table.  A good analogy to use is a ship sailing across an ocean that is off by just one degree, it will eventually be off course before reaching it’s intended destination. Now imagine you have a series of ideas or decisions that are consistently 1% better than an alternative idea or decision. What would that look like over 5 years, 10 years, 20+ years? This can have a significant impact on the trajectory of a company.

Perks and Benefits

Joining our team comes with a host of perks and benefits designed to support your personal well-being and professional growth. From our four-day workweek that gives you long weekends to recharge, to our comprehensive health insurance and retirement plans, we’re committed to ensuring our team feels valued and supported. Additionally, we offer opportunities for career development, flexible work arrangements, and a collaborative work environment where your voice is heard. At Ever, we believe that happy, fulfilled employees are the key to our success, and we strive to provide benefits that reflect this belief.

Four-day work week

We don't ever work on Fridays. Enjoy your 3-day weekend, get outside and enjoy nature, enjoy the extra time with your family and friends... and come in Monday morning feeling refreshed and ready to go.

Flexible work arrangements

We are fully remote work and will also provide flexible hours to accommodate your schedule. We get it, not everyone is a morning person.

Competitive Salaries

We believe in paying people what their worth. We are constantly evaluating salary ranges and trying to pay people in accordance to their market rate and inflation.

Health Insurance for all

Comprehensive health coverage for you and your family, including medical, dental, and vision plans.

The best company culture

We believe so strongly in our company culture, that it is one of our perks and benefits. We strive to always put people over profit.

Current Opportunties

🚧 Job description under construction 🚧

🚧 Job description under construction 🚧

🚧 Job description under construction 🚧

🚧 Job description under construction 🚧

🚧 Job description under construction 🚧

🚧 Job description under construction 🚧

🚧 Job description under construction 🚧

🚧 Job description under construction 🚧

If you feel passionately about working for us, but don’t see the right role available, please contact us.


Yes, Fridays are your time. We do things a little different at Ever. We want to change the traditional corporate work/life balance model. We don’t ask you to work overtime to make up for the time lost on Friday. We won’t pay you any less than your market rate just because you’re giving us one less day per week. We believe that most work can be done within 4 days. The traditional 9-5 needs to change to reflect a more realistic work/life balance, so we decided to do something about it. 

We do things a little differently than most companies. So when we say we are anti-corporate, this means we have a strong aversion against traditional, and often toxic, corporate culture. Sure, we’re in business to make money, but we are against corporate greed, against corruption, against pollution rivers, against slave labour, against putting profit over people, against ‘corporate speak’, against wearing suits, against ego, against managers who aren’t leaders, against stifling creativity… When you think of all the toxic and repelling qualities of a corporate job, yeah, we’re against all those things.

Our north star is ‘doing the right thing.’ We value ethics, honesty, integrity, and respect.

Yes, we are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We have various programs and initiatives aimed at creating a more diverse and inclusive work environment, including:

  1. Diversity training: Regular training sessions for employees on topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive language.

  2. Employee resource groups (ERGs): Support and networking groups for employees from underrepresented groups, such as women, LGBTQ+ individuals, or racial/ethnic minorities.

  3. Diversity recruitment efforts: Strategies to attract and hire candidates from diverse backgrounds, including partnerships with diversity-focused organizations and universities.

  4. Mentorship programs: Pairing employees from underrepresented groups with more experienced mentors to support their professional development and advancement.

  5. Community outreach: Partnerships with local community organizations to support diversity and inclusion initiatives in the broader community.

  6. Inclusive policies: Implementation of policies that support diversity and inclusion, such as flexible work arrangements, accommodations for disabilities, and family-friendly policies.

  7. Leadership development: Programs aimed at developing and promoting diverse talent into leadership positions within the company.

  8. Diversity and inclusion committees: Employee-led committees focused on advancing diversity and inclusion initiatives within the organization.

  9. Supplier diversity programs: Efforts to engage and support businesses owned by women, minorities, and other underrepresented groups in the company’s supply chain.

  10. Inclusive events and celebrations: Organizing events and celebrations that highlight and celebrate the diversity of the workforce, such as cultural heritage months or diversity awareness days.

We pride ourselves on our commitment to our employees’ well-being and growth. We offer a supportive and inclusive work environment, competitive benefits, and opportunities for career advancement.

Many companies operate from a place of a power imbalance where the company is in control of the pay cheque, and the employee (or applicant) must do whatever the say or else they are at risk of being fired.

We don’t operate like this.

It’s not what can you do for us, it’s what can we do for you? We are honoured that you would choose to spend your time working for us, so it’s our job as leaders to ensure your work environment doesn’t suck.

We believe we can attract and retain the best people by creating the best culture. In turn, you will enjoy your work more, be happier, and that will shine through everything you do, ultimately reflecting positively on our customers.

Other companies may not do it this way, but this is how we choose to do business.

We foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and respect. We understand that the best ideas don’t always come from the most senior person. We value diversity and inclusion and strive to create a supportive and inclusive work environment for all employees. This is actually one of our strengths. Different perspectives are welcomed and valued.

Of course. We are fully remote. We understand the importance of work/life balance. We understand sitting in traffic for 2 hours per day can be draining. We understand sometimes people have family obligations or appointments that they need to be available for, we understand that the right person for the job has nothing to do with proximity to a head office. We believe stuffy cubicles and fluorescent lights are not ideal for our mental health.

Our hiring process typically involves reviewing applications, conducting interviews (either in person or virtually), and possibly a skills assessment or follow-up interviews. We strive to keep candidates informed at every step of the process.

We will never ghost you!

If you don’t receive a callback, but you believe your interview went well, and that you are the right fit, then we’ll try our best to provide feedback to you. More often than not, you are awesome and highly qualified, and we just had to make an impossible decision between many strong candidates. In such a case, please continue to apply and perhaps we can find a spot for you at some later date.